Tunica Casino Locations
There are quite a few casinos along the Mississippi river south of Memphis. Memphis is actually in Tennessee and the border with Mississippi is just a few miles south of the city. The majority of casinos are located along the river just north of Tunica and there is a number south of the town as well. Casino patrons can visit any of these casinos coming south from Memphis, north from Jackson, or across the bridges from Indiana. As far as we are aware at this time there are no casinos in Indiana along the river, however, we must say that we have not had the time to visit this area.
At one time we had an objective to visit every casino in the country, however, over the past 10 years many states have approved new casinos, large and small and it is virtually impossible to visit all of these casinos. In one state alone along route I40, we counted 15 casinos just along this highway. Many were on Indian reservations and they were actually quite small. They are sometimes even attached to gas stations and convenience stores. One of these days we will build a post that lists all of the casinos that we can find in every state, so stay tuned for that post.
Tunica Casino Locations – Major Location
With so many casinos to choose from, we are focusing on casino properties that are in the top four locations such as Vegas, Atlantic City, Laughlin, and Tunica. Other properties will be included if we have visited them or if they are notable and interesting. For example, we included the Windsor Casino and hotel in our blog. It is part of the Total Rewards Harrah’s slot program and it is a very nice place to stay for a few days.
Head south on highway 61 towards Tunica and after about 30 miles you will see the signs for the various casinos. Alternately take Interstate 25 south from Memphis, then head west along interstate 69 towards Tunica. This same route can be taken from Jackson as well coming north on Interstate 25 and then exiting onto 69 as previously mentioned. Patrons can drive to any of these casinos, take a flight into Memphis and rent a car or utilize a limo to transfer to these locations. There is ample parking on surface parking lots as well as in parking garages located on the properties. They are also monitored by roving security guards on bicycles.
Topics we will be covering in this post include the following:
- Listing of Tunica Casino Locations
- A Mini Vacation in the Tunica Area
- On the Top 10 List of Casino Locations
- Use Your Slot Cards In Tunica and Across the Country
- Competition for Your Gambling Dollar
- Smoking is Still a Problem
Listing of Tunica Casino Locations
This is a partial list of the casinos located in the Tunica area. We have visited all of these casinos over the last couple of years.
- Gold Strike Casino & Hotel
- Horseshoe Casino & Hotel
- Roadhouse Casino & Hotel
- Fitzgeralds Casino & Hotel
- Hollywood Casino & Hotel
- Harrahs Casino & Hotel
A Mini Vacation in the Tunica Area
Many people come to Tunica every month to visit one of the casinos in the area. Some will just come for the day and many others will stay at one of the casinos for several days. Most people use their slot cards when they are playing and will receive invitations, as a result, to stay for free at many of the casino hotels that they frequent.
There are lots to do while in Tunica in addition to gambling. If you looking for a few days of relaxation, some nice meals, maybe take in a show or two, and share a couple of drinks at the bar, all of the casinos and hotels in the area can meet this need.
Tunica is easy to get to by car, since it is less than half an hour from Memphis and several hours from Jackson, Mississippi. We have run into people who are making a road trip across the country or heading south on their way to their winter vacation home. Tunica becomes a great stop-over point on the way to Biloxi, Golf Port, and New Orleans as well as points east and west of these cities.
We have included another post on this website that outlines all of the activities that can be of interest to people visiting the area. These include museums, music, and even Elvis’s mansion. We have personally gone to visit this location and we can vouch that it is well worth the money to take the time and visit his home and grounds.
There are also golf courses in the area for those people who are so inclined.
On the Top 10 List of Casino Locations
Las Vegas is obviously at the top of the gambling locations in the country. Next, you have Atlantic City, which is now recovering from a devastating storm in the fall of 2012. Laughlin in Nevada and Tunica in Mississippi are the next two locations that can be considered among the top 10. Both are on opposite sides of the country and both have approximately the same number of casinos. Most other locations around the country are more isolated and do not have much competition from each other.
Windsor/ Detroit and Niagara Falls are two other locations with small numbers of co-located casinos. Tunica is obviously 3rd or fourth on the top 10 list of locations to visit in the USA. It is easy to get to by highway as well as by air and is located in the central part of the US. There is also competition from the concentration of casinos in these top four locations.
Use Your Slot Cards In Tunica and Across the Country
One of the advantages of using slot cards from the main casino companies such as MGM and Harrahs is that their slot cards are good right across the country and in many of their properties. They do track your visits and your usage. From that, they develop offers of free room visits, free entertainment to shows, free meals and other comp’s that may be interesting to you from time to time. These offers are available online as well as they can be sent to you in regular mail.
Both Harrahs and MGM have casinos and hotels in all of the major centers and the most popular locations across the country. Tunica is no different with both companies having several casinos that they run in the Tunica area as well as in other areas of the state of Mississippi such as Biloxi on the coast. The Gold Strike Casino is part of the MGM group and accepts the MLife card. The Horseshoe, the Roadhouse, and another hotel in the area (Harrahs) are part of the Harrahs chain and accept the Total Rewards slot card.
Competition for Your Gambling Dollar
As we mentioned earlier in this post, Tunica is on the top 10 list of casino locations in the country. We feel that this is a good thing because it means that there is competition for your gambling dollar on many levels.
None of the casinos advertise their payback ratios, however, there are various ways that they compete for your dollars. These include free rooms while you are staying at their location, free meals in terms of write-offs, express comp’s, free play, and point play. Some days are better than others in terms of how many points you are allowed to collect each time you play.
These comp’s can be like mini jackpots for some people. For example, if your room is free or they write off all of your food and room costs, this is the same as winning a small jackpot and is really money that you save on your vacation. This is part of your overall compensation in terms of what you win or lose.
Payouts are Lower
Many people have mentioned to us in passing that they do not win like they used to. We have noticed this as well and even though there is lots of competition, the casinos appear to have tightened up their payouts. Large wins seem to be fewer and the cost of rooms and meals has gone up. The only way to deal with this is to make sure that you always collect all of your comp’s before you leave.
We always speak to the slot host and let her know that we are checking out. They do not always write off our expenses, but it happens often enough to make it worthwhile. The worst that can happen is that they decline and you just have to accept that decision. It is all calculated by computer anyway and they have very little discretion to go outside the guidelines that have been established by management.
Smoking is Still a Problem
In all of these casinos, smoking is still a problem. It continues to amaze the writer that they still allow smoking in the casino when there are so many issues associated with smoking from a personal level as well as a business level. They even allow people to smoke cigars inside the casino which annoys everyone including smokers since the atmosphere is polluted by some of the stronger cigars.
For the casinos, cleaning of the rugs, and the machines, and maintenance of the machines would be drastically reduced. No more ashes everywhere and no more nicotine getting on everything including the moving parts of the slot machines. The air would smell much better and more people who do not smoke would come to these casinos.
Banning Smoking
In other locations, they have banned smoking altogether inside the casinos. They have built smoking rooms for smokers to go to and take a break. Some of these rooms are actually outdoors when the weather permits. If they are inside, there is ample air circulation to accommodate the smoke. A key decision was made by the casino management which in our mind makes this work.
Patrons are allowed to place their slot machine on hold while they take a break and go for a smoke. They are allowed to do this for a short time, 5 or 10 minutes while they take a smoke break. The economics are much better in terms of less cleaning. Also less maintenance on the machines which makes up for the downtime of these slot machines during busier times in the casino. Placing a napkin or something similar over the screen is all that is generally needed. Speak to someone playing beside you to ask them to keep an eye on the machine for you. Never leave any more than two or three dollars in the machine. Patrons have lost large amounts by leaving too much in the machine while they went for a smoke break.
We have found that these casinos that do not allow smoking on the casino floor are busier than ever. People who traditionally stayed away because the smoke was too bad are now coming to these properties. They play the machines and enjoy an evening at the casino. The smokers seem to be happier and the nonsmokers are definitely happier.
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