Finding the best hotel deals at casinos like the Bellagio in Las Vegas and others around the country takes patience, investigation, timing and even loyalty to one property over another. Over the years we have found that casinos offer deals to customers depending on how busy they are. In addition how much money you spend. Also how often you visit and even the type of machines that you play.
We will cover a few of these concepts, but first we want to share a quick story about the Bellagio. A few years ago we made a reservation at this hotel for $125 a night which was a pretty good rate at the time. When we arrived we noticed that the casino and the hotel was very busy. There was a large convention being held at the hotel and room rates had gone up. Fortunately for us we had a confirmed reservation and a locked-in rate, because walk-ins, people with out a reservation were being charged $700 a night just to obtain a room during this convention!
Best Hotel Deals at Casinos
Start by using the number on your slot card and call all of the hotels that you have slot cards for to find out their rate for the time period you will be in town. Depending on what is going at that time, you will be offered rates that reflect how busy the hotel is. Avoid major conferences and high tourist season time frames to get the best rate.
Play at hotels that you enjoy and want to stay at. Slot hosts will reward their customers with loyalty by offering discounted rooms or even free rooms. Sometimes you might even have to change your dates to get the best deal. Typically Sunday through Thursday nights are the best time to go, since this is a slower period, while weekends are busier and rates are correspondingly higher.
Get to know your slot host and let them know what you are looking for. They will call you or send you offers when the hotel is not busy in an effort to attract customers during slow periods. Take advantage of package deals and offers to reduce your overall cost for rooms, meals and entertainment. You really can save a great deal of money this way.