Aquarius Casino Comp’s
Backing on to the Colorado River, the Aquarius hotel is probably the nicest hotel in Laughlin Nevada. They have two towers with one tower dedicated to families, while the other tower is reserved for adults. Both towers have elevators that are off of the main casino. Both also have access to the pool and the tennis courts. We recently stayed at the Aquarius Casino hotel and were fully comp’d for the room charges. These Aquarius Casino Comp’s included our meals while we were staying at the hotel based on our play.
Aquarius Casino Comp’s – Rooms & Free play
One of the major advantages of using a slot card at every casino is the comp’s for food, meals, beverages. Also rooms as well as shows. In addition to the above sometimes the casino will also award free play to the slot cardholder. Which is almost the same as providing real money to the player. You cannot withdraw the cash. However, you can play it on a slot machine. Once all of the free play is fully utilized, withdraw whatever winnings that you may have won. Sometimes patrons will win huge jackpots with their free play. However most of the time you will win the equivalent in real cash. Whatever the value if you play smart you can win a great deal of money from free play.
Aquarius Casino Comp’s – Depends on your level
The number of complimentary things that you receive will really depend on the amount of play at the slot machine. This rating depends on the denomination of the bets you are making, the speed of your bets, in other words, how many times per hour that you press the button to bet and how long you play. Someone who is playing a dollar slot machine will be comp’d much more than someone who is playing a nickel machine for example.
Whatever you are betting and regardless of how long, always use a slot card to rack up slot machine benefits. they do add up over time and everyone enjoys a free room or free meal from time to time.
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