Riverside resort Hotel and Casino Laughlin Nevada
Don Laughlin created Laughlin Nevada. His Riverside resort Hotel and Casino is the signature location for all of the casinos in the area. You can’t miss it as you drive down casino drive. It is located right on the Colorado River.
We have other posts on this website that provides a review of the casino. This post is about his antique car collection displayed on the third floor that is free for anyone to visit.
We included several pictures to show you the type of cars and motorcycles in this antique car show room. There are approximately 100 cars of various vintages and ages and models displayed in the show room. At any given time there are as many as five or six cars that are available for sale.
In addition to various models that are being shown in the showroom, also antique motorcycles of various kinds available for people to go to view.
The antique car showroom is located on the third floor. Access can be obtained by going up the escalators or taking the elevator to the third floor. It is free, all that they ask is that you don’t touch the cars and don’t go beyond the barriers. These cars are in excellent condition and pristine shape.
Riverside resort Hotel and Casino Laughlin Nevada
The hotel and casino is one of the original casinos along the Colorado River and also is home to a large RV parking lot where many vacationers in RV’s will park for a few nights or longer. There is also a large RV park across the road with services for those that want to stay longer.
The Riverside Casino also provides free water taxi rides across the river from a parking lot on the east side of the river which is actually in the state of Arizona. Many people who work at the casinos as well as tourists and casino visitors will park on the Arizona side and take the water taxi across the river. There is a huge amount of parking and the water taxis run every few minutes so no need to worry about schedules etc.
There is lots to do in the Riverside resort Hotel and Casino Laughlin Nevada, so don’t forget to at least take a walk through the casino. The only negative in our minds is the amount of people smoking in the casino. It can be a bit of a turn off for non smokers.
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