Casino Reviews
There are literally hundreds of casinos in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Tunica, Biloxi and many other smaller cities across the US and Canada. Our site is providing information about the hotels, the casinos, the shows, the conventions, the entertainment and much, much more through our Casino Reviews.
Feel free to visit any of our pages as we add them on a weekly basis. This is the main page for the Casino Reviews Web site. We are constantly adding more pages so feel free to come back any time. If you have comments or wish to add your stories to our web site, please leave a comment at the end of this post or any of the other posts. Please note that we retain all editorial copyright for any thing appearing on this page.
If you have never visited Las Vegas, or any of the other major casino mecca’s, this site is a good site to spend some time on to learn about casinos around the country.
Casino Reviews – Las Vegas
If you have visited Las Vegas regularly, you will already know that Las Vegas is constantly changing. Every year there are new hotels opening and the existing ones are upgrading and changing their existing venues. We try to provide in a short summary form the information you will need to enjoy Las Vegas. However their are no words that can adequately describe Las Vegas. You have to visit it to believe it!
Las Vegas is the mecca for the gambling world in North America, however due to many other casinos springing up around the country as well as the smaller regional sites of Tunica, Mississippi, Biloxi, Mississippi and Atlantic City, Las Vegas has a great deal of competition.
The picture on the left shows the Eiffel tower in front of the Paris hotel and Casino. Sometimes the best deals can be found at some of these locations. This includes hotel rooms and 5 star meals as well as entertainment.
So Many Rooms
Las Vegas has over 100,000 rooms. With the new Village Center opening in December of 2009, another 5000 has been added. The competition is fierce both to get you stay in one of these fabulous hotels and spend some time in the casinos. All of the casinos employ various marketing approaches to attract visitors. Free drinks, loose slots, fabulous entertainment and some of the best restaurants in the world. Also swimming and lounging areas are just a few of the amenities available for guests. Of course if you are a high roller, then the sky is the limit for anything you might desire.
Within 5 hours drive of Las Vegas, there is lots to see. This includes the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon, Red Rock Canyon, Lake Mead, Hoover Dam as well as Los Angeles. From boating to golfing to hiking and dirt riding, there is something for everyone in the area.
Casino Reviews – Atlantic City
Atlantic city is much smaller, located in New Jersey on the coast, there are 10 or 15 casinos along the boardwalk and near the marina. There are something like 100 million people within 1 days driving of Atlantic city. People come by the busload every day from New York city, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington and many other cities in the area. Atlantic city has the boardwalk which extends for over 10 miles, along the ocean, many great restaurants and lately discount retail shops with all of the latest fashions to choose from. Atlantic City is not the seedy place it used to be.
Casino Reviews – Tunica
Tunica, located along the Mississippi in the state of Mississippi just south of Memphis has 7 or 8 casino hotels to choose from. All are great, not quite on the scale of Las Vegas, but certainly very nice and worth staying at for a few days. These casinos are all on the water, while the hotels attached to them are actually on the ground. They are all connected by covered walkways and you really would not even know that you were crossing onto what essentially is a barge.
Casino Reviews – Biloxi
Biloxi is coming back. Hit by hurricane Katrina a few years ago, the city and the casinos were devastated, some beyond repair. Some of the largest casinos have been rebuilt and are very attractive now. The city is also slowly rebuilding. Hopefully there will not be another hurricane in the near future.We talked to some of the residents and people who work at the casinos. They say that they would never leave the area. They really love living along the coast with its great fishing and beautiful beaches.
Today virtually every province in Canada and every state in the US with the exception of Utah and a few others have casinos. The local governments have realized that casinos can provide an excellent stream of revenue to help fill their coffers. They can avoid raising taxes on their residents. Much of the money goes into general tax revenues, however many also fund specific projects and endeavors legislated by law.
Inexpensive Vacation
A vacation at a casino hotel can be one of the least expensive vacations you will ever take. Especially if you are lucky at the slots or the tables, or you spend what you budget. It is important to have a budget when you walk into any casino. If you don’t you can lose much more than you ever planned. When you win a large amount, also leave or get someone to hold onto the money for you. If you stay, many people have found that before long their winnings have disappeared.
All of the articles have been written from personal experience and reflect our personal comments. If we have not visited a casino we will still add a review. However we will indicate that the review is based on an information search only. If you have personal comments please leave your comments.
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May 29th, 2011 at 11:29 am
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May 30th, 2011 at 7:10 am
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Please send them to me, I will review them and decide if they should be added or not. they will need to be related to the subject of casino reviews.